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In One's Element Reiki Energy Healing Hypnotherapy Guided Imagery Arizona Wellness

❝ Nuestro estado superior de ser es nuestro estado de ser más natural; es una sensación de estar "en casa" física, mental, emocional y espiritualmente. ❞

W a sea consciente de ello o no, siempre están trabajando con las energías dentro y alrededor de nosotros ... ya sea a través de los alimentos que comemos, los pensamientos que tenemos, o las emociones que mantienen puerto.

La medicina energética trabaja con nuestro estado actual del ser para liberar lo que no es "nuestro" y activar nuestro ser natural e innato. Hay muchas formas diferentes de lograr el equilibrio y diferentes formas que funcionan para cada individuo. Dondequiera que se encuentre en su viaje y cualquier desafío que enfrente, estamos aquí para ayudarlo en el camino de crear paz, equilibrio y más satisfacción en la vida.

Con más de 45 años de experiencia combinada, In One's Element trabaja con una variedad de modalidades:

  • Sanación energética (Usui Reiki, Reiki transformacional, Reiki chamánico)

  • Hipnoterapia clínica y regresión a vidas pasadas

  • Masaje con Energía Curativa

  • Sanación por sonido (sanación con diapasones y frecuencias / cánticos y mantras)

  • Lecturas intuitivas de tarjetas

  • NUEVO Boticario completo con: Tónicos y tinturas, libros electrónicos sobre cómo y por qué hacer los suyos propios y Paquetes de magia ritual de autocuidado para ayudarlo a mantenerse en contacto y saludable desde casa.

Reiki I & II Energy Healing Certification Downtown Prescott, AZ


"Be your own healer" and learn ancient and modern techniques for energy healing. Reiki Master Teachers Jennifer and Myia share their decades of experience with energy healing. In this full two-day workshop you will gain the knowledge and practice to confidently work with energy in your own life as well as with others. This workshop certifies you to the level of starting your own practice if you wish to do so.

January 2022 workshop weekend dates to be announced. Subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of the page to stay tuned with upcoming events!

tinctures and tonics herbal healing in one's element

Tinctures & Tonics 


Pre-made and made-to-order health supplements to boost the immune system and physical body.

Explore our available tinctures, tonics, & e-books (including how to make your own!) here.

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"I love working with Jennifer and Myia. The meditation series is exactly what I’ve been needing. They are relaxing, compassionate and delivered extremely well. I am excited to continue work with these two."


About In One's Element

We believe that everyone has the power and choice to heal if they only have the knowledge and nudges in the right direction. We believe all healing comes from ourselves, and "healers" are but guides in the process. Our passion is to share the knowledge and tools we have gathered over decades of facilitating growth for those who are being called to deepen and open the experience of their journey. We aim to help others become further empowered on the trajectory of self-fulfillment, purpose, and contentment.


In One's Element was founded in Prescott, AZ in 1998 by Jennifer Spiroff. She started the practice with massage and energy work and over the years expanded to incorporate holistic nutrition, yoga, and frequency healing. Jennifer's daughter Myia brings clinical hypnotherapy, Shamanic Reiki, intuitive readings, and more. In One's Element is now serving the worldwide community through distant and in-person sessions, classes, and mentorships.

Explore sessions offered by Jennifer here.

Explore sessions offered by Myia here.


Learn more about the In One's Element team, Energy Healing, and Hypnotherapy here.

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