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E-Book: Tawny Port Whole Body Tonic - Make your own tonic!

Create your own In One's Element TAWNY PORT WHOLE BODY TONIC in a few easy steps! This e-book dives into the holistic benefits of the ingredients used in our TAWNY PORT WHOLE BODY TONIC, giving a clearer picture of what it means to take supplements in this form and why we specially chose the ingredients we did. It also includes how to make it yourself from home. The back of the book also has a full glossary so that the reader is able to easily reference the terms used. Book is delivered as a downloadable PDF.


Herbs included in the book and recipe are: licorice root, dandelion, nettle, gotu kola, motherwort, and burdock root.


"Tonics are preparations made to improve the strength or health of the mind or body. Specific herbs can be added that provide vitamins and minerals that may act to balance and stimulate the energy of the organs, improve assimilation and utilization of not only the vitamins and minerals that the herbs provide but from foods taken in throughout the day. 

With this Tawny Port Whole Body Tonic, the herbs and quantities of which I have chosen are all gentle and safe when used in the manner which I am suggesting. The specific plants mentioned give the body a healthy boost mixed with the superb qualities and joyous feeling that a little port can bring."


- Tawny Port Whole Body Tonic


Written by In One's Element Owner Jennifer Spiroff, B.S. in Holistic Nutrition, Certified Yoga Teacher, Massage Therapist and Energy Healer of over 23 years.


We do include potential risks of herbs in the book for your reference, but as with any herb or supplement, please check with your doctor before consuming.

E-Book: Tawny Port Whole Body Tonic - Make your own tonic!

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