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Tinctures & Tonics

Read our e-books and learn how herbs in the form of tinctures and tonics, or simply alone, provide us with a much-needed health boost, with included instructions how to make your own tinctures and tonics from home.

Included in our e-books you will find information on each herb that has been chosen, why it has been selected, the benefits that it has to offer, and how to prepare your own tonic at home.


Don't want to make your own tonic/tincture or would like to try it before you make it? We make them for you. Purchase the tonics we have available for order or contact us to ask about creating a tonic or tincture for a certain health condition.


**Note: Herbs, tinctures and tonics should always be kept in dark glasses or out of light, as light affects the overall potency of the product over time.

Different tinctures are specific for different people with different systems, ailments, and needs. We at In One's Element do not take any responsibility for the choices you make for yourself and your body. We are not doctors. Do your due own diligence. Decide on what is best for you.

Not sure what's right for you? Contact us for a short consult.

See some tinctures you would like to combine? Reach out to us directly to order your own pre-made mixture.

Specialty Tinctures

All Tinctures - Alphabetical

Tincture & Tonic E-Books


Tawny Port Whole Body Tonic

by Jennifer Spiroff, B.S. Holistic Nutrition

"Tonics are [created with] herbs that provide vitamins and minerals, act to balance and stimulate the energy of the organs, and improve assimilation and utilization of not only the vitamins and minerals that the herbs provide, but from foods taken in throughout the day."

Please note - this product is made to order - expect two weeks of "brew time" in addition to shipping.

Environmental Pollution - Combat it Naturally!

by Jennifer Spiroff, B.S. Holistic Nutrition

"Common everyday pollutants, their effects on our systems, along with herbs and a tincture recipe to help keep your physical body working at its optimum.

Environmental toxins surround us in our day-to-day lives. The ability to completely avoid toxicity is simply not realistic, for they are everywhere. It does not come in individual high dose exposure to a toxin that one may think, but in repeated small exposures over time...I wrote this book specifically to introduce a tincture to help battle the effects of environmental toxins."

For a limited time we are offering this awesome E-Book for free! Click on the link below to get yours today! Scroll a little father down and you will find the tincture for purchase. 

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