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Ramblings of Happenings

The moon, planets, comets, meteor showers… and the people… COVID, BLM, democrat, republican, Pleiadians, Arcturians;) … Everyone is “woke”. I don’t know about you, but I feel the exhaustion of it all. During this time, the weirdest time in my 47 years, I am so thankful to be a healer. I help people every day. Do you know who I help the most? Myself. I’m not Sedona oobie. I’m just me. I don’t hide who I am behind some facade of jingly beads (Don’t get me wrong. I like jingly beads and am easily distracted by any other shiny thing, but I digress:) I have my up days and down. The world is crazy, and like most, I feel it. I also have the tools in my kiddy to control my frequency. Maybe it’s because of my upbringing. Maybe it’s because I am a Virgo, Leo, Aquarius, lol, but I am for sure an “If not you, who?” type of a person. I look to myself to pull me up and out of a hole, and through my energy training, this is possible… Most of the time… As I did today, I went to Myia and cried. When I go to Myia and cry she, as a Reiki Master Teacher and healer of all sorts, gives me my space of strong stubbornness while at the same time calling in my guides, her guides, and pure white light, all through her instincts and training, to help my weepy butt pull out of my pit of despair. Because as I know, we are human. A community-based species. Thank you Myia:)

Our business (mine and Myia) that we dove deep into in March of 2020!!! (It started prior to that but we made a big move in mid-March and two days later the state and country shut down lol.) has taken the turn we needed. Thank you, COVID!?!? (More digressing... who else really wanted something new to come along? Raise your hand) That turn that we have taken is just a deeper drive to teach others to feel, move, and channel energy. We are all energy. Everything is. Science has proven what those guys in funny little hats who created yoga thousands of years ago and the “quacks'' that came up with quantum physics have been saying all along... we are energy. Pure energy vibrating at certain frequencies to create the illusion of a solid... But we are holograms, whether you like it or not:) Not only are we energy, but we control to a very large extent our frequency. Most are done on a subconscious level, some on a conscious/subconscious level, and then you have the Dalai Lama/Jesus/Buddha types that are extremely conscious of their energy and their control of it. Whether you want to blame it on your ex, parents, boss, gray skies, or too much sun (we reside in AZ:) We, You, Me, control our frequency. Excuses are excuses. AND YOU/WE KNOW IT!!

We have continued our in-person classes through all of this. I feel like a rebel lol. It’s not easy to stay True Form in a world of whatever you want to label it. People have gotten angry and smh about our in-person classes but my soul has felt the importance of human contact. The importance of gathering, healing, laughing, loving… and not from afar. Ahem… all this being said by a huge, HUGE, introvert by the way:) I should be rolling in social distancing like it’s a field of daisies instead my gut instincts are telling me there is something wrong. Something is still not sitting quite right. The new norm is a little unsettling and this whole thing is continuing on and on and on...

Things are changing, and changing quite quickly. How are you doing with it all? Funny how things can change even though it seems like life has slowed down due to being cooped up.

So... In One’s Element is changing quite drastically. To those in the Phoenix valley, a heads up. We are movin’ north!! At the end of February 2021. Myia and I have made the decision to take our operation (and James, for those who know of my 5 yr old son whom Myia and I are now homeschooling full-time) to our 398 sq. ft. cabin on 40 acres north of Prescott, where we can be out of the crazy, out of the heat, out of survival mode and into the living mode. We will be arranging healing weekend classes up on our property, but otherwise, we are subsiding our classes in the valley except for personal private parties (Please reach out to us directly to book a private class with friends, family, or co-workers).

As for our private clients, you will be happy to know that we will be continuing in-person sessions and will be available for scheduling once or twice a month in the valley even after our move north and will be expanding our clientele in the Prescott area as well as Williams. We’re kinda flip-flopping… We already work in the Williams and Prescott areas and go up a few times a month to see our people there:) As always we have our distant healings that we offer as well. We apologize for any inconvenience to those who frequent our classes… As I write this I have Bob Dylan “Times they are a-changin'” and The Animals “We gotta get out of this place” both going through my head. We love you all. Please never hesitate to reach out. Myia and I have purpose, part of which is helping others understand a little more, grasp and control a little more, heal, love, rest… it’s what we do. That will never change.

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